Nº14 Daniele Gatti


Section B.2.

Daniele Gatti (Italy)


Try: 1.Kd6? c5! 2.Nxc5 Qxg2! And Black has a H-column free pawn to promote.
Thematic Try: 1.g3? h5! 2.Kd6 c5 3.Nxc5 Qf3 4.Nd7+ Ka8 5.Kc7 Qxg3+!–+ And Black has again a H-column free pawn to promote

1…h6 2.Kd6 c5 3.Nxc5 Qf3 4.Nd7+ Ka8 5.Kc7 Qe4 Black King is caged again. Now Black can only move the Queen, keeping constant attention on mate in b7. 6.c5! Qd5 7.Bc8!
7.c6? Qa5+! 8.Kd6 Qxa6–+

7…a5? 8.Nb6+!+- Fork

8.Ba6 Qd5 9.Bc8 Qe4 10.Ba6 Qb4 11.Kc8! Qe4 12.Kc7 Qf4+ 13.Kc8 Qf3 14.Kc7 Qd5= (= repetition of position)
This because the White pawn in g4 cannot be captured with check, as if it wasin g3.