Nº33 Rainer Staudte & Michael Schlosser


Section B.2.

Rainer Staudte & Michael Schlosser (Germany)


Sacrifice with perpetual check or three different stalemates

Try: 1.Qb6+? Kg7! 2.Qg1+ Kf8! 3.Qf2+ Rf7!–+

1…Kf5?? 2.Nd6++-
1…Kg5 2.Qg1+=
1…Ke6 2.Qe1+!=

2.Qg1+ Kh7
2…Kf6 3.Qa1+=

3.Qh2+! keeps the diagonal h2-b8 open
3.Qh1+? Kg8! 4.Qg1+ (4.Qg2+ Rg7!–+) 4…Kf8!–+

3…Kg8 Rook should counter a check on the 7th row 4.Qg3+! Rg7
4…Kh8 5.Qh2+ Rh7 6.Qe5+=
4…Kf7?? 5.Nd6++-
4…Kf8 5.Qa3+ /a3=

5.Ne7+ Kf7 6.Qf3+! Kxe7 7.Qb7+ Kf6
7…Kf8 8.Qb4+ (8.Qb8+ Kf7 9.Qc7+ Qxc7=) 8…Qxb4 stalemate

8.Qb2+ Kf7
8…Kg6 9.Qg2+ see after the 10th move in main variation)

9.Qb7+ Kg6 10.Qg2+!
10.Qb6+? Kh7! 11.Qb1+ Kh8 12.Qh1+ Kg8–+
10.Qb1+? Kh6 11.Qh1+ Kg5! 12.Qg1+ (12.Qg2+ Qg4 13.Qd5+) 12…Qg4–+

10…Kh6 11.Qh2+!
11.Qh3+? Kg5!–+

11…Kg5 12.Qe5+!
12.Qg3+? Qg4!–+

12…Kh6 13.Qf4+ Qxf4 stalemate

13.Qd6+? Kf5 14.Qf8+ Rf7–+


13…Kf7 14.Qc7+ Qxc7= stalemate
13…Kh7 14.Qh2+ Kg8 15.Qb8+ Kh7 16.Qh2+ perpetual checks

14.Qf4+! Qxf4 stalemate