Nº6 Daniele Gatti & Mario Micaloni


Section B.2.

Daniele Gatti & Mario Micaloni (Italy)


1. Rh1!

First Main Line 1. … Kd1 2. Kb2 Kxe1 3. Kc3

3. Ka3? Kf2! 4. Kxa4 Kg2 5. Kb5 Kxh1 6. a4 Kg2 7. a5 Kxf1 8. a6 f4!! 9. a7 − ( 9. gxf4 g3 10. hxg3 h2 11. a7 h1=Q 12. a8=Q Ke2 [-+]) − (9. exf4 e3 10. dxe3 d2 11. a7 d1=Q [-+]) 9. … fxe3 10. a8=Q e2! 11. Qxe4 e1=Q 12. Qxd3+ Kg1 13. Qe3+ Qxe3 14. dxe3 Kxh2 15. e4 Kxg3 16. e5 h2 17. e6 h1=Q +

3. … Kf2 4. Kd4 Kg2 5. Ke5 Kxh1 6. Kxf5 Kg2 White King must decide where to go. 7. Kxe4! –
7. Kxg4? Kxf1 8. Kxh3 Ke2 9. Kg2 Kxd2 10. Kf2 Kc2 Black King cannot be trapped

7. … Kxf1 8. Kxd3 Kg2 9. Ke2 Kxh2 10. Kf2 – Black King is trapped = positional draw

Second Main Line 1. … a3 2. Bf2! Kd1
Alternative variation 2. … Kc1 3. Bg1! Kd1 4. Kb1 Ke2 5. Kc1 Kf3 6. Kd1 Kg2 7. Ke1 Kf3 (= positional draw)

3. Kb1 Ke2 4. Kc1 Kxf2 5. Kd1 Kf3
5. … Kg2? Black cannot attack the white Rook. 6. Ke1! Kxh1 7. Kf2! Not stalemate! Black is forced to play 7. … f4 and loses (checkmate in 5)

6. Rg1 Kf2 7. Rh1 Kf3 8. Rg1 Kf2 9. Rh1 = repetition of position