Nº19 Poul Rewitz


Section A

Poul Rewitz (Denmark)


1.Bg3? Qc3+ (1…Qc2–+ is slower; 1…Kf7? 2.Kb2!=; 1…Kg6? 2.Kb2!=; 1…Kh7? 2.Kb2=; 1…Kg8? 2.Kb2!=) 2.Ka2 Kg6 (2…Qc2+–+ is slower) 3.Kb1 Kf5! 4.Bf2 Ke4! 5.Ng3+ Kd3–+

1…Kg6 2.Bh8! (2.Bb2? Kh7! mZZ 3.Ba1 – see 3.Bb2?-line (position «Y»)) 2…Kh7 (2…Kf7 3.Kb2! Qh4 4.Bc3=) 3.Bb2! (3.Ba1? – see 3.Bb2?-line (position «Y»)) 3…Kg8 4.Ba1! – main;
1…Kg8 2.Ba1!= – main; 1…Kh7 2.Bb2! Kg8 3.Ba1!= – main

2.Ba1? Qd3+ 3.Kb2 Kg6! – see 3.Bb2?-line (position «Z»); 2.Bb2? Ke6!–+ mZZ e.g. 3.Nf3 Qd3+ (3…Qxf1? 4.Nd4+=) 4.Ka2 Qxf3–+

2…Kg6 3.Kb2! (3.Bb2? Kh7! – see 3. Bb2?-line (position «X»)) 3…Qh4 4.Bc3=

3.Bb2? Kh7! mZZ (position «X») 4.Ba1 (position «Y») 4…Qd3+ 5.Kb2 (5.Ka2 Kg6!–+) 5…Kg6! (position «Z») 6.Kc1 Qc4+ 7.Kd1 (7.Kb1 Qe4+! 8.Ka2 Qe6+! 9.Ka3 Qa6+ 10.Kb2 Qa5! 11.Kb1 Qe1+ 12.Ka2 Kf5!–+) 7…Qa4+ 8.Ke2 Qa6+!–+ (8…Qxa1? 9.Nf3! Kf5 10.Ne1! fortress (10.Ne3+? Kf4!–+) 10…Ke4 11.Nd2+=) 9.Kf2 Qa2+! 10.Kf3 Qxa1 11.Ne3 (11.Ng3 Kg5 12.Ne4+ Kh4! (12…Kf5? 13.Nf2 Qg1 14.Nhg4=) 13.Ng4 Qd1+–+) 11…Qf6+ 12.Kg2 Qb2+–+

3…Qc2 prevent 5.Kb2.
3…Qa6+ 4.Kb2 Qa5 5.Kb1=
3…Qd3+ 4.Kb2= (or 4.Ka2= )

4.Bb2 Qc4 prevent 5.Ka2.
4…Kh7 5.Ka2!=

5.Ba1 Qc2 6.Bb2= a kind of fortress. Black may try to use the king, but it doesn’t help. E.g.: 6…Kf7 7.Ka2
7.Bh8 Ke6 8.Kb4! also holds.

7…Ke6 8.Ka1 Kd7 9.Ka2 Kc6 10.Ne3! Qxh2 11.Nf5 Kc5 12.Nd4= fortress.